Hyper-V on Windows

Enable Hyper-v on windows

Published on Friday, 21 July 2023

Enabling Hyper-V on windows

Before getting started, you can also follow the Microsoft documentation for up-to-date information on Hyper-V.

I am posting this as part of a series of tutorials/blog posts about using Hyper-V.


Hyper-V can be enabled in Windows 11 using the PowerShell command:


Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName Microsoft -Hyper-V-ALL -Online


    FeatureName      : Microsoft-Hyper-V-All
    DisplayName      : Hyper-V
    Description      : Provides services and management tools for creating and running virtual machines and their
    RestartRequired  : Possible
    State            : Disabled
    CustomProperties :

Enabel it with the Below Command

command :

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V -All

You should see in your powershell something like this.

After enabling Hyper-V on windows 11 we can run the command that checks if the hyper-v enabled, When you run that command it should look something like


Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-ALL -Online

Quick create

Now we can create a hyper-v virtual machines from the hyper-v manager. The easiest way to create a hyper-v is from a quick create menu from actions.

Pick OS

You can create windows or ubuntu based on your needs, The screen just highlights windows 11 dev environment. I installed both windows and ubuntu hyper-v virtual machine on my pc for my needs.

Enhanced mode

Make sure you have enhanced mode enabled.

Allocate Ram

Allocate CPU Cores


Make sure you are in some sort of custom network adapter so that you can access the internet from the virtual machine.

Enabling nested virtualization in hyper-v

With nested virtualization we can run virtual machine inside another virtual machine how this is useful you may ask. We can run docker or vagrant to setup a cluster to playaround. So this will become a excellent tool for learning.

You can also follow microsoft documentation from here. Microsoft documentation.

Verify if the virtual machine enabled with nested virtual virtualization.


Get-VMProcessor -VMName Ubuntu-22.04-LTS | format-List *

You should see something like this.

ExposeVirtualizationExtensions : True

Virutilzation extensions is what we need to take note of.

To enable nested virtualization use below command, Make sure your virtual machine name is correct.

Set-VMProcessor -VMName -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true

Once we have completed all the setup mentioned above, we can proceed with the installation of Vagrant on the Ubuntu box. This will allow us to create a cluster of machines consisting of one master node and two worker nodes. I will provide a detailed guide on how to set up the cluster in my next blog post.